Kimberly's Kreations...or how I keep my sanity

I am a dabbler. I dabble in paint, I dabble in collage. I dabble in writing. I dabble in fabrics. I pretty much thrive on anything that involves creating something out of pieces. This is my way of sharing.

Location: Southern Ohio, United States

What about me? I am a thirty-something wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, employee...And currently a full-time incubator to my second child. I'm just trying to keep my head above water.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Current stuff...

I've been listening to an online radio station at work that plays only accoustic music. Very soothing. Makes me wish I was sitting on my back porch, barfoot and in my cutoffs.

I've been working my way thru The Artist's Way, by Julie Cameron. I'm so proud of myself, I've done my Morning Pages for eight days in a row!! And as silly as I felt when I began doing my morning pages, I can definitely feel a difference. I feel more together the rest of the day. Not sure how it works, but just glad it does.


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